HHR - Habitat for Humanity Restore
HHR stands for Habitat for Humanity Restore
Here you will find, what does HHR stand for in Business under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Habitat for Humanity Restore? Habitat for Humanity Restore can be abbreviated as HHR What does HHR stand for? HHR stands for Habitat for Humanity Restore. What does Habitat for Humanity Restore mean?The Business company falls under retail category and is located in Detroit, Michigan.
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Alternative definitions of HHR
- Harry Hermione Romance
- High Heat Resistant
- Half Height Resolution
- Health and Human Rights
- Home for Human Rights
- Jack Northrop Fld Hawthorne Muni airport
- 09 Helsinki Human Rights
- hand-held radar
View 47 other definitions of HHR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HMC Hermitage Medical Clinic
- HHPL Hamilton Housewares Pvt. Ltd.
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- HCLC Holy Cross Lutheran Church
- HH Habitat for Humanity
- HWG Happy Wag Groom
- HTEC High Tech Engineering Center
- HBB Hospice By the Bay
- HHGM Heywood Hospital Gardner Ma
- HPP Holley Performance Products
- HDC Huntingdonshire District Council
- HCBK Home Credit Bank Kazakhstan
- HRL Hind Rectifiers Ltd
- HLIPL Honda Logistics India Pvt. Ltd
- HCSD Hillsborough County School District
- HAL Heathrow Airport Limited
- HANDSL HAN Digital Solution Ltd
- HRG Healthcare Resource Group
- HH Homes for Haringey